Opening our studios, Opening our selves

I had a few days of not doing much in the physical realm related to Open Studios. I was following my desire and curiosity in other ways. Learning, expanding, growing.

Today was magical. I gathered with two other women and we just talked about consciousness, healing, art, and evolution. Flow, magic, connection, sparkles, and joy.

I managed to breeze my way through IKEA and buy the one item I needed for today – one more of those great little organizing carts for my painting supplies. THAT was a miracle.

And then, this evening, just when I thought I was going to call it a day and have nothing more to add to my Open Studios setup, I started writing. I wanted to tell the stories I saw in my paintings. I wanted to share my experience of making them. I wanted to put my voice into the world, along with my art.

It just flowed. I wrote six pages of one-column block descriptions in about half an hour. It was EASY. I had spent most of the week dreading all the “work” that was to be involved in setting up the show, and then I let it go. I decided it was going to be easy. I didn’t know how, but I chose to make it easy.

And it was.

I felt joy and completion and release by telling my story and creating a real “show” out of my Open Studios presentation. And it’s not about the people who show up to see it. It’s again about taking the time to honor myself, my process, my evolution, and my art by reflecting on the experience of it all. By being unafraid to claim my own joy, wonder, and awe at having been part of the creative process. To have witnessed it.

That’s how I feel about my art. I was there when it happened. It was by me, but it wasn’t about me. Something (the creator of all things) came through me, and I was grateful to be present.

More photos to come tomorrow, when the natural light comes in.

Now I go to sleep with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. 🙂


My Open Studio



Painting arrows for the street signs leading to my place.


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